Monday, July 19, 2010

when parents take over the power...'s normal for the ss at the age of 13-19...cannot be this age they start to know...i luv u n u luv me..i lap u n u lap me...i labi-labi u and u labi-labi me...

what can a teacher do when the mama said
"oookawan je tu cikgu..selalu bdk laki tu dtg rumah buat hnwork..tak dok apa la dua tu.."
"budak yang selalu hantar dia dgn merc tu abang angkat dia cikgu...tak dok apa.."
"sambil tunggu kakak dia balik ptg, dia berborak dgn budak tu...cikgu salah faham..budak2 tu tak dok gapo.."
"budak jate tu tlg hantar balik jah cikgu.."

So..what can a teacher say??what can a teacher do when parents take their kids' side? Buat bodo je la...disiplin sekolah???pembentukan sahsiah diri pelajar??? jawablah nanti..

Not that i want to blame parents...but please understand us...we are conducting 35 ss per class, mcm2 warna, mcm2 tingkah laku...parents only handle 4-5 kids (at most 14 la kot kalau berbini 3/4- tu pun dh kira power giler) , takkanlah tak boleh tegur yang dok gila nak dapat menantu cepat??? Aduhh...masyarakat ni..Masyaallah...tak tau nk kata apa..

Not that i anti all these couple2 thing..i understand that they need somebody to rely on..they are exploring their sweet life of teenagers...but..talking from my own experience...i really hope..please parents...cooperate with us...anak2 n adik2 ini perlu bimbingan...a good Sherry bkn sja2 nk mengamuk..Cikgu Sin bukan suka2 nk panggil budak...we are just doing our small part in moulding this new generation...

nak senang, buka sekolah sendiri, jadi cikgu sendiri, jadi HEM sendiri...barulah anak jadi bos, mama jadi kuli batak, abah jadi driver terhormat n banker yang bankrupt...baru padan muka semua..dah anak kta betul sokmo gak...

1 comment:

  1. ala..emo lak..hehe..btul tu..parents slalu msuk side anak...tgk la jgk nk masuk side pn...huhu~~
