Sunday, July 25, 2010

camp: when evrythng is a memory...

Alhamdulillha..all the hardwork pays...giler penat...fully are some things to ponder...

>> never ever appoint f6 ss as facilitators...they are helpful but rather ignorant. They(pls take note: not everybody...ony some of them) just take the opportunity of the title"FACI"..whereas, they are no better than the participants.
...they do not to rspect the teachers till the extend of impersonating as FACI (share tags lagi) just to take the drinks from urusetia...(who they think they are?????)
...they do not consider the f3 n f5 ss, they slept in the dorm and refused to share it with the other ss, what is their right to do so??(who they think they are????)
...during the activities, they didn't join the activities, instead they just sit at the stairs of the chalets, apa halnya (who they think they are?????)
The conclusion is...find others to be faci...not the f6 ss...let them be the participants..not the FACI...(NOT THAT I'M BIAS...I JUST SHARE WHAT I OBSERVE...)

>> cikgu is always cikgu...never limit our responsibilities...imagine this...

the weather sudddenly changed...thunderstorm..menggila...students were intheir activity: explorace...nobody was there except for a few teachers and ss who were in charged of cooking. Everybody rushing to rescue the ss' clothes from the tents...some could be saved...some were just left there, couldnt be "rescued". The ss reached at the camp site...things were havoc...the advisor teachers of the respected uni bodies were struggling thinking to prepare of the food for dinner...suddenly somebody said..
"kami tak dok masalah..kami bungkus makanan...selamatdah..." it is said without the feling of empathy towards other uni bodies...ada juga manusia sebegini...adoooiii...
In the moddle of the thunderstorm..."kena balik ni, ada kerja katy rumah..masa bertugas pun dah habis..." in the moidst of havoc, how can u say this????? adooiiii....

>>just watch your language
Dahlah penat si tukang masak didapur...menjamu fasi (again...tak semua la..)yg tak berhenti mkn minum, washing with the water droplet(betul..betul droplet la)...tiba2 dtglah mamat yg memang perasan giler (just join our school actually), "oooo..patutlah dok persegaran, besar2 semuanya..patutpun..." (who are u to say that...dahlah bald head..ada hati nk mengutuk org...blk jaga bini dah lah...mulut jgn nk sesedap rasa je mengata org..just make sure your bini is like the miss universe...adoiii..mamat yg ditimpa perasaan

>>masuk hantu
Sembahyang tak ambik air sembahyang..takutkan cikgu n abang kadet laut lebih dpd takutkan Allah...adooiii..tu yg ramai pengsan..peliknya 5al, 3g, tak pengsan n msk hantu plk..all are from 3i, 3d. 3m...cikgu suruh minum air siap bagi jelingan maut lagi...konon ada hantu dlm badan la tu..bila abang kadet dtang n suruh...boleh pulak minum abis satu gelas lagi...memang bdk ni kn rasuk dengan hantu gatal tahap ke lapan..

All those become sweet memories now..yg terguris, yg terhiris, simpan dlm hati..yg indah...yg seronok marilah dikongsi...apa2pun, kita semakin mengenali diri.....


  1. kakak,i dont like girls ss..huhu..mmg sy g ros aritu,make up mata yg pkai bulu mata palsu..i wish to wear it ms hari sy kawin dorg pkai g skolah...pelik giler bdk zmn skrg..hahaha...

  2. those are the things u'll face dear...maskara...blusher...lipstick..bla..bla..n bla...cita-cita=artis...(mintaklah autograph awal2 sblm dia terkenal kan...)
